Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams' Mt.  Williamson, Sierra Nevada, from Manzanar, California, negative 1944; print 1981.  The J.  Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, Gift of Carol Vernon and Robert Turbin in Memory of Marjorie and Leonard Vernon.  © 2012 The Ansel Adams Publishing Rights Trust.

Ansel Adams, possibly the most famous American photographer, worked primarily in black and white. He pulled you into the picture with the incredible contrast in black, white and grays. He was born on February 20, 1902 is San Francisco, California. As a child, Ansel was very hyperactive and often got in trouble. Dismissed from several schools for bad behavior, he was educated by private tutors and members of his family from the age of 12. Adams taught himself to play the piano, which soon became his passion. In 1916, following a trip to Yosemite National Park, he began experimenting with photography. He learned darkroom techniques and read photography magazines, attended camera club meetings, and went to photography and art exhibits. He developed and sold his early photographs at Best’s Studio in Yosemite Valley. This soon became a second and true passion.

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